Monday, December 31, 2012

Barbie's New Years Resolutions

It's that special time of year for new year's resolutions...

Barbie's New Year's Resolutions
1. No wrinkles! (this is easy when you are plastic)
2. Stay true to Ken (this is also easy, Ken is perfect)
3. To have at least 7 new careers and be successful at all of them
4. To get 300 more outfits, they should mostly be pink
5. To stay the prettiest doll ever

Hoping you have a Barbie-rrific new year doll! ;)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A doll for the gal that loves to shop...

The City Shopper Barbie doll is $24.95 and is ready to hit the road... the road to the shopping mall that is!  She is available at Barbie Collector.  I'm loving the fake eyelashes, shopping bag and pout.
And of course what doll is complete without some fabulous shoes?
And her hair is blonde, but it's definitely a bit toned down.  A cooler blonde.  This barbie is upscale, no peroxide blonde here. ;)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hello dolls ♥

This is going to be a blog all about my very favorite doll herself Barbara Millicent Roberts better known as Barbie. ♥♥♥  It will incorporate Barbie news, Barbie fashion and any other interesting tidbits about the most famous doll in the world.